单细胞测序技术服务 靶向lncRNA单细胞全转录组测序 单细胞全转录组测序 |
生物分子凝聚体研究 HyPro靶RNA临近标记技术 |
RNA-蛋白相互作用 HyPro - MS CHIRP – MS RNA pull-down MS |
RNA-RNA/DNA相互作用 HyPro-seq/芯片 CHIRP-seq |
蛋白-RNA相互作用 AGO APP seq/芯片 RIP-RNA seq/芯片 |
蛋白-蛋白相互作用 RIME MS CoIP-MS |
NGS测序技术服务 R-loop 测序分析服务 |
NGS测序技术服务 环状DNA测序 |
基因芯片技术服务 Small RNA修饰芯片 m6A单碱基分辨率芯片 mRNA&lncRNA表观转录组芯片 circRNA表观转录组芯片 |
NGS测序技术服务 表观转录组学测序服务 RNA m6A甲基化测序(MeRIP Seq) |
LC-MS mRNA碱基修饰检测 tRNA碱基修饰检测 |
PCR技术服务 MeRIP-PCR技术服务 m6A绝对定量RT-PCR技术服务 m6A单碱基位点PCR(MazF酶切法)技术服务 |
Ribo-seq Ribo seq |
核糖体-新生肽链复合物(RNC) RNC联合 circRNA芯片 RNC联合 lncRNA芯片 RNC联合mRNA-seq |
蛋白表达定量 Label free非标定量技术 TMT标记定量技术 PRM靶向定量 |
A lncRNA signature associated with tumor immune heterogeneity predicts distant metastasis in locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Nature Communications. 2023
FAR591 promotes the pathogenesis and progression of SONFH by regulating Fos expression to mediate the apoptosis of bone microvascular endothelial cells. Bone Research. 2023
LncRNA NIPA1-SO confers atherosclerotic protection by suppressing the transmembrane protein NIPA1. Journal of Advanced Research. 2023
Upregulated Long Non-coding RNA Lnc-MRPL39-2:1 Induces the Growth and Invasion of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma by Binding to HuR and Stabilizing β-Catenin mRNA. International Journal of Biological Sciences. 2023
Dynamic chromatin accessibility tuning by the long noncoding RNA ELDR accelerates chondrocyte senescence and osteoarthritis. The American Journal of Human Genetics. 2023
SIRT3 improved peroxisomes-mitochondria interplay and prevented cardiac hypertrophy via preserving PEX5 expression. Redox Biology. 2023
Long non-coding RNA DLX6-AS1 is the key mediator of glomerular podocyte injury and albuminuria in diabetic nephropathy by targeting the miR-346/GSK-3β signaling pathway. Cell Death & Disease. 2023
HDAC6-G3BP2 promotes lysosomal-TSC2 and suppresses mTORC1 under ETV4 targeting-induced low-lactate stress in non-small cell lung cancer. Oncogene. 2023
The pluripotent factor OCT4A enhances the self-renewal of human dental pulp stem cells by targeting lncRNA FTX in an LPS-induced infammatory microenvironment. Stem Cell Research & Therapy. 2023